Peer-reviewed international publications
Lassche, M. M., Lasogga, L., de Roos, M. S., Leeflang, A., Ajazi, V., Axioti, M., Rassin, E. & van Dongen, J. D. M. (in press) Dark Tetrad Personality Traits, Paraphilic Interests, and the Role of Impulsivity: An EEG-study Using a Go/No-Go Paradigm Scientific Reports.
Hutten, J. C., Van Horn, J. E., Hoppenbrouwers, S. S., Ziermans, T. B., Geurts, H. M., & Forensic Neuropsychology Consortium. (2024). Neuropsychological assessment of aggressive offenders: a Delphi consensus study. Frontiers in Psychology, 15, 1328839.
de Roos, M., Longpre, N., & van Dongen, J. (2024). When Kinks Come to Life: An Exploration of Paraphilic Concordance and Underlying Mediators. Journal of Sex Research.
Rassin, E., de Roos, M., & van Dongen, J. (2024). Dark personality traits and deception, and the short dark tetrad (SD4) as integrity screening instrument. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 311.
de Graaf, I. E., Bolhuis, K., Cecil, C. A. M., White, T. H., & van Dongen, J. D. M. (2023). Child Neuropsychological Functioning and Interpersonal Callousness as Predictors of Externalising Behaviour in Early Adolescence: A Prospective Population-based Study. Research on child and adolescent psychopathology, 51(10), 1465–1480.
Rassin, E., Sergiou, C., van der Linden, D., & van Dongen, J.D.M. (2023). Psychopathy as a predisposition to lie hedonistically. Psychology, Crime & Law, 1-8.
Sergiou, C.S., Tatti, E., Romanella, S.M., Santarnecchi, E., Weidema, A.D., Rassin, E.G.C., Franken, I.H.A., & van Dongen, J.D.M. (2023). The effect of HD-tDCS on brain oscillations and frontal synchronicity during resting-state EEG in violent offenders with a substance dependence. International Journal of Clinical and Health Psychology.
van Dongen, J. D.M, Gobardhan, A., Korpel, P., & Franken, I. H. (2022). I Am Bold, and Do Not Care for Social Norms: The Role of Faux Pas Recognition in the Relation Between Psychopathy and Aggression. Journal of Forensic Psychology Research and Practice, 1-16.
ter Harmsel*, J.T.; van Dongen*, J.D.M.; Zijlmans, J.; van der Pol, T.M.; Marhe, R.; Popma, A. (2022). Neurobiological Responses towards Stimuli Depicting Aggressive Interactions in Delinquent Young Adults and Controls: No Relation to Reactive and Proactive Aggression. Brain Sciences, 12, 124. *shared first authorship
Sergiou, C. S., Santarnecchi, E., Romanella, S.M., Wieser, M., Franken, I. H., Rassin, E., van Beveren, N., & van Dongen, J.D.M. (2022). tDCS targeting the vmPFC modulates reactive aggression and electrophysiological responses: an EEG-tDCS study in a forensic population. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging.
Verveer, I., Franken, I.H.A., Hill, A., Yucel, M., Van Dongen, J.D.M., & Segrave, R. (2021). How to control impulsiveness? HD-tDCS over the dACC in high trait impulsivity. Brain Research. Online first publication.
Dinić, B., Vujić, A., Van Dongen, J.D.M., & Raine, A. (2021). Cross-cultural validation of the Reactive-Proactive Aggression Questionnaire among adults across five countries. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online first publication.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., De Groot, M., Rassin, E., Hoyle, R.H., & Franken, I.H.A. (2021).Sensation Seeking and its Relation with Antisocial Traits: A Psychometric Evaluation of the Dutch Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS) in a Community Sample and a Forensic Psychiatric Sample. Psychiatry, Psychology, & Law. Online first publication.
Sergiou, C.S., Santarnecchi, E., Franken, I.H.A., & Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2020). Theeffectiveness of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation as an intervention to improve empathic abilities and reduce violent behavior: A Literature Review. Aggression and Violent Behavior, 101463
Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J.D.M., Miller, J.D., Lynam, D.R., Brazil, I., Yoon, D., Mokros, A., Gray, N. S., Snowden, R., & Neumann, C. S. (2020). The Perils of Untested Assumptions in Theory Testing: A Reply to Patrick et al. (2020). Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Advance online publication.
Van Hoogdalem, L., Feijs, H., Bramer, W., Ismail, S., & Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2020).Neurofeedback therapy as an alternative treatment for autism spectrum disorders in children: A systematic review. Journal of Psychophysiology. Advance online publication.
Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2020). The empathic brain of psychopaths: From social science toneuroscience in empathy. Frontiers in Psychology, 11.
Sergiou, C.S., Woods, A., Franken, I.H.A., & Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2020). TranscranialDirect Current Stimulation (tDCS) as an intervention to improve empathic abilities and reduce violent behavior in forensic offenders: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 21:263.
Roy, S., Vize, C., Uzieblo, K., van Dongen, J. D. M., Miller, J., Lynam, D., Brazil, I., Yoon, D.,Mokros, A., Gray, N. S., Snowden, R., & Neumann, C. S. (2020). Triarchic or Septarchic?-Uncovering the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure’s (TriPM) Structure. Personality Disorders: Theory, Research, and Treatment. Advance online publication.
Ekhtiari. H., Tavakoli, H., Addolorato, G…….van Dongen, J.D.M…….Zangen, A., Bikson, M.,Hanlon, C. (2019). Transcranial Electrical and Magnetic Stimulation (tES and TMS) for Addiction Medicine: A consensus paper on the present state of the science and the road ahead. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 104, 118-140.
Van Dongen, J.D.M. & Franken, I.H.A (2019). Neuroscience in Forensic Psychiatry andPsychology: An Introduction to the Special Issue. International Journal of Forensic mental Health Sevices. 18, 179-186.
Tillem, S., Van Dongen, J.D.M., Brazil, I.A. & Baskin-Sommers, A. (2018). Psychopathic traitsare differentially associated with efficiency of neural communication. Psychophysiology, 55, e13194.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Brazil, I.A., Van der Veen, F.M., Franken, I.A.H. (2018).Electrophysiological correlates of empathic processing in persons with psychopathic meanness. Neuropsychology, 32, 996.
Kelley, S., Van Dongen, J.D.M., Edens, J.F., et al. (2018). Examination of the TriarchicAssessment Procedure for Inconsistent Responding in six non-English language samples. Psychological Assessment, 30, 610.
Brazil, I.A., Van Dongen, J.D.M., Maes, J.H.R., Mars, R.B., & Baskin-Sommers, A.R. (2018).Classification and treatment of antisocial individuals: From behavior to biocognition. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 91, 259-277.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Van Schaik, R. H. N., Van Fessem, M., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2017).Association Between the COMT Val158Met Polymorphism and Aggression in a Forensic Inpatient Sample. Psychology of Violence, 8, 269.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Drislane, L., Nijman, H., Soe-Agnie, S. & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2017).Further Evidence for Reliability and Validity of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure in a Forensic Sample and a Community Sample. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 39, 58-66.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2016). Positive symptoms, substance use, and psychopathic traits as predictors of aggression in persons with a schizophrenia disorder. Psychiatry Research, 237, 109-113.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Hendry, M. Douglas, K., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2015). Therobustness of the early and late start offender typology: A conceptual replication. Psychiatry,
Psychology and Law, 23, 563-574.
Md-Salim, A., Van der Veen, F.M., Van Dongen, J.D.M., & Franken, I.A.H. (2015). Brain ActivityElicited by Frustrative Non-Reward in Individuals with Psychopathic Traits: An ERP Study. Biological Psychology, 110, 50-58.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2015). Unraveling offending inschizophrenia: factors characterizing subgroups of offenders. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 25, 88-98.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., Barendregt, M., Van Beveren, N., De Beurs, E., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2015). Antisocial personality characteristics and psychotic symptoms: Two pathways associated with offending in schizophrenia. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health, 25, 181-191.
Hebly, M.R., Van Dongen, J.D.M., Lindenbergh, S.D. (2014). Crime Victims’ Experiences with Seeking Compensation: A Qualitative Exploration. Utrecht Law Review, 10, 27-36.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2014). First Offenders with Psychosis: Justification of a Third Type within the Early/Late start Offender Typology. Crime and Delinquency, 60, 126-142.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2012). The role of ideational distress in the relation between persecutory ideation and reactive aggression. Criminal behavior and Mental Health, 22, 350-359.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2012). Delusional distress partly explains the relation between persecutory ideations and inpatient aggression on the ward. Psychiatry Research, 200, 779-783.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., Kool, A. & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2011). Psychometric evaluation of the Dutch Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire (PIQ) and its relation to aggression. Personality and Individual Differences, 51, 527-531.
Professional publications
Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2018). Brain behind bars. The relationship between neurobiological factors and cognitive skills training program for prisoners. Tijdschrift voor Criminologie.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Hebly, M., & Lindenbergh, S. (2014). Schadeverhaal van slachtoffers van misdrijven: Ervaringen van slachtoffers (Redress for damage: Experiences of victims). Tijdschrift voor Vergoeding Personenschade, 1, 1-7.
Book chapters
Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2015). Mad or Bad? Psychopathy, Psychose en Geweld. (Mad or Bad? Psychopathy, Psychosis and Violence). In: P.A.M. Mevis et al. (Eds.). Omzwervingen tussen Psychiatrie en Recht. (Wanderings between Psychiatry and Law). Wolters Kluwer, Deventer.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2015). Psychose en Geweld (Psychosis and Violence). In: H.J.C. van Marle (Ed.). Forensische psychiatrie: fundamenten en praktijk. (Forensic psychiatry: Fundaments and Practice). Koninklijke van Gorcum, Assen.
Van Dongen, J.D.M. (2014). ‘Je hebt geluk als je van een pauw mag plukken’ – Ervaringen van slachtoffers van strafbare feiten met het verhalen van hun schade. (Crime Victims’ Experiences with Seeking Compensation). In: S.D. Lindenbergh & A.J. Akkermans (Eds.) Ervaringen met het verhalen van schade (experiences with seeking compensation). Boom Juridische Uitgevers, Den Haag.
Van Dongen, J.D.M., Buck, N.M.L., & Van Marle, H.J.C. (2009). Vroege versus late starters met schizofrenie: Multimodale benadering van crimineel gedrag noodzakelijk. (Early versus Late start offenders with schizophrenia: The necessity of a multimodal approach of criminal behavior). In: T.I. Oei, & M.S. Groenhuijsen (Eds.). The forensic psychiatry and its borders – actuality, history and future. Kluwer, Alphen aan den Rijn.
Research Reports
J.D.M van Dongen, C. Sergiou, & I.H.A Franken (2018). Middelengebruik en geweld: ontwikkeling en validatie van een testbatterij. (In ENGLISH: Substance use and violence; Development and Validation of a Test Battery). Den Haag: WODC.
J.D.M. van Dongen, C.D. de Waart, T. van Neerbos & F. van Riet (2016). 'voordat het kalf verdronken is’: 'Risicotaxatie voor Verwarde Dreigers. Den Haag: Nationale Politie.
L. van Reemst, T. Fischer, & J.D.M. van Dongen (2013). Risicofactoren voor herhaald slachtofferschap: Een literatuurscan. (In ENGLISH: Risk factors for repeated victimization: A scan of the literature). Den Haag: WODC.
J.D.M. van Dongen, M. Hebly, & S. Lindenbergh (2013). Je hebt geluk als je van een pauw mag plukken: Ervaringen van slachtoffers in het verhalen van hun schade. (In ENGLISH: You are lucky if you can pick a peacock: Experiences of crime victims in the recovery of their damages). Den Haag: WODC.
Measures and Tools
J.D.M. van Dongen, S. van de Groep, & A. Raine (2022). Dutch version of the Cognitive, Affective, and Somatic Empathy Scales (CASES).
J.D.M. van Dongen, M. de Roos, & E. Rassin (2022). Dutch version of the Dark Tetrad (SD4).
J.D.M. van Dongen, C. Sergiou, B. Godor, & I.H.A. Franken (2018). Dutch version of the Risky, Impulsive, and Self-destructive behavior Questionnaire (RISQ).
J.D.M. van Dongen, I.S. Hempel, W. van den Berg, & H.J.C. van Marle (2011). Dutch version of the Brief Sensation Seeking Scale (BSSS).
S.E. Soe-Agnie, J.D.M. van Dongen, M.M. Loomans, C.J. Patrick, H.L.I. Nijman, C.A.J. de Jong, & H.J.C. van Marle (2011). Dutch version of the Triarchic Psychopathy Measure (TriPM).
J.D.M. van Dongen, W. van den Berg, S. Soe-Agnie, & H.J.C. van Marle (2011). Dutch version of the Short Boldness Scale.
J.D.M. van Dongen, N.M.L. Buck, A. Kool, & H.J.C. van Marle. (2011). Dutch version of the Persecutory Ideation Questionnaire (PIQ).